Ads / Sponsor
Reach up to 40,000 people every week!
Advertise with DeenTV and reach up to 40,000 people every week through our various platforms (DeenTV website, Roku, AppleTV, FireTV, Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, etc).
Sponsor our programs with your organization’s sponsorships videos. With millions of hits every few month, purchasing an online video sponsorship package will benefit your organization. In addition to this, DeenTV Foundation is a 501 (c)(3) organization so your contributions will be tax deductible. Contact us at
DeenTV offers both pre-roll ads (ads before a video plays) for all of its on demand videos as well as packages for its 24/7 live stream. Deliver your message to our unique audience at the right time with video ads. Bring more people to your website, create awareness and increase sales. Our rates are based on CPM for our on-demand videos and time-based for our 24/7 live stream. If your business would like to advertise with us, please contact us at